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C30 The Badman is Coming D3 11:48a

SM C23.2 11-25-23 (1669) Paulina’s GA Salma speaking to Maria in a daydream Unoccupied office JHMC D2 11:48a – Maria

Maria walked into an unoccupied office that she used for her daily call from her mother and daughter. She closed the door behind her and fumbled around to find the chair in the dark. This was an unused office so the engineers needed to replace the bulbs. As she sat down, she looked at the time. It was 11:48 am. Maria felt like her body was heavy. She was lethargic and drowsy and quickly succumbing to incapacitation. Maria’s eyes closed and she fell into a deep relaxing sleep.

“Maria, we have heard your prayers. I am here to put your mind at ease.”

“Who are you?” I recognized I was in some sort of dream, but it seemed real.”

“I am Guardian Angel, Salma. Now, I tell you! I served your grandmother and your mother.”

“Are you my Guardian Angel?” I was a bit thrown off by the angel being a negro angel. I don’t ever think of angels and race. I believed in angels. I even believed in Guardian Angels. I just never expected to be talking to soul sister.

“No. I serve Victoria, your step-sister. I am answering both her prayers, your prayers, and your daughter’s prayers. Today, in the park, you prayed for knowledge and wisdom. You have prayed this prayer often and He has always heard you. You also prayed to meet the spirit of your ancestors.”

“So, YOU are going to show me my ancestors?” I was being slightly asshole and slightly coy,

“Yes. But there’s more. You have also prayed to be ready for spiritual battle. Victoria prayed the same for you. She directed Gabriel, a time ago, to protect and ready a collection of warriors.”

“I really would like to meet my ancestors.”

“Your ancestors are always with you. Their spirits are with you now. More importantly, your most magnificent protector and the one who gives you victory, you already know. His angels are with you. But not all of your ancestors were good people. So you must recognize when those spirits mislead you.”

“I am trying. It is not always easy to know if I am making the right decisions for me and my family.”

“Fear not. You have already won the battle Maria; victory is your choice. You must choose this day and every day whom you serve. As a human, you may direct humans and angels to build or destroy. But all those that you lead, you also serve. Do you believe that what has been given is exactly what you need?”

This was not a dream; it was very real but not so logical. “What have I been given?” If this guardian angel is giving me something, I want to know specifically what it is.

“You have been given hope.” Salma radiated as she said ‘hope’.

“I am certain I have no clue about what you are talking about.”

“Let me show you what you have been given. Maria. Let us return to Peru.”


“Trust me. Take my hand.”

“Maria placed her hand into the hand of the angel. And they started ascending into the sky. Then they stopped and remained suspended in the sky.”

“Look down, dear.”

“I don’t see anything.”

“Open your eyes.” My eyes were open. The angel touched my chest and I saw a man working the land.

“This man is your grandfather on your mother’s side, a farmer named Maximo. He was a hard worker, well-respected, and a good provider of food for the family and the needy in the town. He maintained many plots of land by clearing and farming them. Your grandfather had a home in Apurimac but also maintained a large plot that was passed to your grandmother, the Martinez Farm in Puerto Maldonado. Maximo was blessed. But life in rural Peru is a hard life. So hard that blessings become curses.”

“Did I know my grandfather?” thought Maria. “And how does a blessing become a curse?”

“Yes.” the angel replied. “While your grandfather was generous at times, ironically, most people in the town thought your grandfather was overly thrifty, if not selfish. Maximo provided the most and best quality and quantity of food for the family and town.

“Maximo? I think you have the story wrong. Maximo is my father, not grandfather.”

“Yes, Maria. Your grandfather is also your father.”

My dream got unreal again.” Did I say this aloud?

“Listen, Maria! Maximo was blessed by the money he received at the market. He kept the money he earned for buying seeds for his farms and his secret stash of drugs and drink. Moneywise, there was nothing left over for the family. His wife, Isabel, was responsible for earning her own money for clothes for her and the children. Your mother, Laka, would often stay in Puerto Maldonado in Madre de Dios with her mother to care for their animals. But Puerto Maldonado was and is a mining town. One night, your father felt lonely and in pain. After he had drunk a bottle of chicha de Jora, he went to a bar in Puerto Maldonado.”

Maria just listened.

“In Puerto Maldonado, local businessmen attract local children, young girls, to work in their bars with promised employment and gifts to these girls or their relatives, the pathway into slavery and prostitution. These girls, often extremely young are sent by their families and are forced to line up outside bars to cater to the workers’ sexual appetites to pay for their keep, protection of their family, and basic survival. Your grandmother, Isabel, was a Martinez. She made a living by providing girls to bars in Puerto Maldonado. Your grandfather found his wife in one of those bars and he found his daughter, your mother there also. Your mother worked serving men in that town. Maria, if not for many angels working on your behalf, you would have been one of those girls too. You and your daughter, Lakita have been called to redeem lost sheep. Who knows if you have been called for such a time as this? It is time for you to make decisions.”

The clock showed 11:44 am. What kind of bizarre dream was this? It was more than a dream. It was a revelation that Lakita and I were purposed for helping young girls who are exploited. But it was also a message that was waiting for our response, prayer, fasting, and meditation. And it was also a message of hope that women don’t have to accept misogyny and fall for a lie that females have no defense against a stronger male; they… we can fight back. Perhaps I am making things more complicated but I remembered that Victoria’s guardian angel came to answer my prayer. That was awesome in simplicity.


My cell phone rang.

“Hello mi hija!” Cristina was singing.

“Hi, Mami. Did you all go out?” I was happy to hear my mother’s voice.

“We went for a short walk but Lala wanted to return to work on a project she has!” Maria and her mother had a good laugh. Lakita always had a project she was working on. “Sometimes she is a little girl and then she is very intellectual and clever.”

“She is 11. A child but almost an adult.” I remembered fondly the times I spent with my Papi. “Mami, I have had a very interesting day so far! I have met a wonderful family and had a strange dream… all in a very short time!”

“You and Lala are so alike.” My mother was funny and she was right. My daughter and I are outgoing, very creative, and always dreaming. I treasured these times to escape and just bask in the joy of family.

Lakita came out of her room and was so excited, “Mami! Mami!”

My mother gave Lakita the phone. She sat down on the couch and propped the phone so that she could talk hands-free.

“How is your day, Mami?” Lakita asked.

“Your Abuelita and I were just talking about it. I met some very nice people today.”

Lakita smiled and was visibly excited. ”I know Mami. They are part of our family”.

“Mami, Victoria is trying to get a message to you.”

“How do you know Victoria, hija?”

“Victoria has been in my visions and prayers for a long time! Today, I saw the five people in this new family.”

“Hija, I know of only three people.”

“No Mami. There is one who is hurt with their mother, father, and boyfriend and another in hiding. I prayed for their protection. I always pray for you too. I especially pray for clarity, so we plainly. know their spirits.”

I understood the people she mentioned except for one in hiding. Lakita immediately stopped and got extremely serious. “I also had a dream, Mami.”

My daughter was silent for a moment and said, “Tell me about your dream, hija.”

“Lala! Lala!” Cristina cried out.

“Mami, que paso?”

“Hija, Lala is shaking!”

At that moment, Lakita’s eyes roll back and she fell to the ground! I was about to give medical advice when I noticed that Lakita was going into a trance and she was talking some kind of gibberish. At least it was gibberish to me.

I began to pray. “Great Spirit! Emortis! Heal my daughter.” Cristina got down on her knees and agreed in prayer with her. Cristina could hear her daughter crying. Maria could hear her mother’s thoughts. “I don’t tell her that I have seen Lala shake before but each time she is ok.

“Mami, I am coming home now!” Maria stays on the phone and goes out the door. She walks towards the nurse’s station. While walking Lakita comes out of the trance.

“Victoria will communicate with you later today. It is very important to remain with the new family. Tell them about Victoria.”

“What are you saying, mi amor?”

“Mami, I’m scared. Victoria says that the badman is coming!”

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