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SM65 Final

Jehovah gets up and says, “Tell my son to meet us where I am preparing the New Zion.

….. (Description of the New Zion under construction.”

King Jesus comes down from the sky. The father is proud and beaming. He says, “It will be so good.”

Jesus says, “I can wait.” The few Angels that were there clapped. The father embraces the son.

A scribe starts yelling the names of Jehovah. At the end, the Angels there cheer again.

Jehovah says, “I am very patient.”

Michael whispers to Gabriel, “Patient wasn’t one of the names!”

Jesus says, “Be good Michael!” and winks.

A cherub says to Ikart, “Didn’t he slaughter a bunch of people in the desert?” Ikart gives the cherub a stern look.”

The cherub says the name of a Muslim angel and says, he had more names for Jehovah. And I still don’t think patient was one of the names.”

Jesus laughs.

And then she woke.

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